LAS Analyzer
Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Gas Analyzer
The TRACE-GAS LAS Analyzers combine reliability, speed and ease of use in one device.
Developed for the calibration-free and direct measurement using laser absoprtion spectroscopy.
Examples of customer-specific projects using LAS technology
Here you can have a look at our previously developed analyzers in the LAS technology area. Please do not hesitate to contact us, even if your application is not listed. We develop individually based on your requirements!
Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Main features
direct physical measurement
no cross sensitives
operation without consumables
end-calibration-free and physically traceable
no condensation, fast response time, low absorption effects
Laser absorption spectroscopy
Application fields
H2O2 | Hydrogen peroxide (VHP)
Safety Workbenches
Filter machinery
Clean Room
NH3 | Ammonia
SCR development
SCR Sensor development
CO | Carbon monoxide
Occupational safety
Air quality monitoring
Biogas plants
Wood processing
Fencline monitoring
Wood products
New buildings
N2 O | Nitrous oxide
Medical engineering
Climate and atmospheric research
Soil research
Maritime use